Special enrollment periods are periods of time during which you can purchase individual health insurance. The mandatory individual enrollment period ended March 31st.
So, what happens between April 1st and November 15th for folks wanting health insurance? If you are looking to purchase an individual policy, you can, under what’s known as “Special Enrollment Period” (SEP). This special enrollment period is a time when under certain circumstances, you are allowed to purchase individual insurance. There must be a qualifying event in order for you to enroll. From the date of your “event’, you have 60 days. The events that are recognized as “qualified” events are: birth, adoption/placement for adoption, legal guardianship, involuntary loss of credible coverage, access to a qualified health plan due to a permanent move to Iowa, gained citizenship, foster child placement, court ordered coverage or returning from military services.
As an example, I have one of these events happen and I have documentation to establish that date. I then, within my 60 day time frame, make application for individual insurance. My application will be honored (as there are no underwriting requirements anymore) and I have coverage suitable for my needs, my health and my finances. If I do not have any of these qualifying events happen to me between April 1 and November 15th, then I must wait until April 15th. People in this particular time frame are subject to penalties, which have been stated as “$95 OR 1% of your household income”.

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