You have heard me mention many times that if your insurance is proportionate to your needs and your budget, you can be properly and adequately covered for most perils that may come your way. Protecting your income is like your lifeline, to not only your lifestyle but your family! This is serious stuff!
To achieve this balance, it is imperative that you have an assessment of your needs and budget. Once that is achieved, then one can start the process of placing the proper coverages.
Wherever you are in life – get started! There is no better time than NOW. Accidents and illness are not scheduled! If your employer does not provide an option for this type of coverage, please ask them to consider it. This can be purchased on an individual basis or on a group basis through an employer. If you are a business owner, please do your employees (that make you what you are) a tremendous service and let me make a proper assessment. The cost of disability income protection is one of the least costly coverages that you could consider.
Check out This is an unbiased fact sheet provided by The Council for Disability Awareness.
I have a fondness for our local Easter Seals Iowa Chapter. Poke around on their site, I think you will be surprised. Their programs tab is a great overview of just how extensive their services are.

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