Spring Break is a part of our lives this month, whether we’re just taking a break from our own business and going somewhere warm or whether we are trying to sync up with our kid’s spring break schedules – high school, college. etc. We feel that the majority of the insurance claims we see are unplanned and unscheduled events ranging from the flu to serious illnesses and accidents.
When that time comes, and you are in an ER or urgent care facility, you’ll be trying to find your ID cards, trying to determine what doctors are in your network, etc. I’m trying to make life simple by sharing a link with you that Wellmark has called “Wellmark Mobile App”. With this app, you can check your ID Card, view it and email it. You can locate doctors and facilities; you can talk to a nurse 24/7 or your doctor’s office with just a touch of the screen. You can also check your claims status, coverage details, flex spending amounts and wellness information. There’s just a ton of good stuff on this site. Take a five minute break in your day and download this app. You’ll feel better about it later.
More than 90% of all hospitals and physicians throughout the United States contract with Blue Cross Blue Shield plans. You are also covered worldwide with bluecard worldwide. Your claim will be handled just like it would be if you were at home. You will also notice that there’s a link to international hospital doctor finders. If you’re a student exploring the world, please know how to get help when you need it.
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