As we all have our feelings on this matter (and my position is to respect all views) our elected Governor is operating on an “elected by the people” position and what we may not realize is that if he would have gone the other way, we would have a federal subsidy that would be entitlement (starting with 150,000 people and going rapidly) lasting for four years. Then the federal subsidy would end and we would have all of the financial burden to pay…raising our taxes…where does this end??? Other states share his sentiment.
Also, he is asking for volunteers on the State payroll to pay for 20% of their premium. Presently the State employees’ premium is provided 100%. Polk County Board of Supervisors recently approved a contribution to their cost of an approximate $25 per month. The true cost is around $1100 per month for family plans. The employer is mandated to pay 50% of the employee premium for any business. How could the employer pay 50% of the premium, increased taxes for the uninsured to have more entitlement and still stay in business?
Governor Branstad is trying to bring our jobs back. He is trying to make us healthier (Blue Zones and Healthiest State Initiative). Somewhere in this struggle we all have to come to the table and be fair. There must certainly be a balance between free and 100%.
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