As a small business owner, we always want to attract and retain quality employees in an effort to make us stronger and better at our craft. But if we want the best, we need to give them a reason to stay with us, so we need to be the best we can be also.
When it comes to employer sponsored benefits, health insurance is always at the top of the list. Many times in visiting with clients or prospective clients, they will comment, “I have Blue Cross Blue Shield”. But what plan do you carry? Sometimes I get a blank expressions. You might have heard people say they have a PPO, or Blue Choice or Access or an HSA. But do you really know what that means?
Wellmark has a one page user-friendly, easy to look at comparison of all of these plans side-by-side. We all have different wants and needs and I try to craft your wants and needs to match your budget. And still leave you with access to the best network of providers possible. If you have questions, please call me. I cannot urge you enough to take advantage of my offer to have a free analysis of your benefit package.

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