You may be wondering what is in store for you or your business as far as the Healthcare Reform Act and exactly how is that going to affect you. Like anything else there are some that will gain and some that will feel that they didn’t. One of the references that I trust is the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. They have provided a very user friendly timeline of the scheduled events, detailed explanations of each and their intended purpose and which ones are implemented and which ones have not yet been achieved.
As far as an individual with an HSA (Health Savings Account) for their health insurance, there have also been changes. I strongly advise that if you have already purchased an HSA as your health insurance that you know what contributions that you could still make by 4-15-2012. You should also be well advised as to what constitutes a “qualified expense”. The link that I provided best explains in detail all that you would want to know.
Have you ever seen a side by side comparison of the benefits, advantages and costs of your current plan and an HSA?

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