Thank you for a very successful 2015. I realize that health care has become confusing, but we have enrolled a record number of new clients this years…mostly in the 4th quarter. I believe we have everybody positioned in the individual under 65 market for their January 1 effective date.
The original mandate for open enrollment as set by The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) was December 15, 2015. Some of you may know that after the 15th it was extended for a couple days allowing more people to get in. If you happened to miss that date, you still have from now until the end of January 2016 to become enrolled in an individual plan.
Small business owners should seize the opportunity to have a review of their current situation. I will analyze every aspect of your employee benefits package and let you know where you are in the market place. Secondly, in this analysis we will discover what your needs and wants are and make sure that we are not over-insuring, which I have seen quite a bit of recently. This oversight costs valuable premium dollars for both the employer and the employee, so it’s worth your while to have me check this out. If you’re fine where you are, I’d encourage you to stay put and keep me in mind for the future.
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